Latest Dubbed Anime
Pokemon (2023) (Dub)
In a world filled with strange yet majestic creatures known as Pokémon, a new adventure begins! Hailing from the pristine region of Paldea, the timid Liko travels to the Kanto region to attend the Indigo Academy and become a Pokémon trainer—a person who forms relationships with Pokémon and trains them to participate in battles. Soon, Liko acquires Nyahoja, a fickle Grass-type cat Pokémon, as her first partner.
Prior to Liko's transfer to Kanto, her grandmother gives her a uniquely patterned and gleaming pendant as a protective charm. However, an enigmatic organization—The Explorers—seems to know a secret about the pendant and nearly succeeds in stealing it from Liko. Fortunately, she is rescued by the Rising Volt Tacklers, a group of adventurers led by a Lizardon-riding trainer named Friede.
After a series of encounters with The Explorers, Liko decides to join Friede's team, accompanying him and his crew members on a grand journey across the regions. Along the way, they aim to unravel not only the mysteries of the world of Pokémon, but also the power that resides within her pendant.
Spring 2023
Konjiki no Gash Bell!! (Dub)
Takamine Kiyomaro, a depressed don't-care-about-the-world guy, was suddenly given a little demon named Gash Bell to take care of. Little does he know that Gash is embroiled into an intense fight to see who is the ruler of the demon world. All of the demons have to pick a master on Earth and duke it out with other demons until one survives. Needless to say, Kiyomaro becomes Gash's master, and through their many battles, Kiyomaro learns the importance of friendship and courage.
TV Series
Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou sugite, Isekai no Yatsura ga Marude Aite ni Naranai n desu ga. (Dub)
er 2024 Ani