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Detective Conan
Detective Conan is famous anime about Shinichi - a seventeen year-old high school detective, one day. One day, he wakes up and finds that he has become a 7 years old child. In order to find the reason for this transformation and the one who is responsible for it, Shinichi hides his identity and lives with Ran - his childhood sweetheart, whose father happens to be a hopeless detective, and with that begins an adventurous series of murders and mysteries that he must solve in search for the ones who put him in his awkward situation.
TV Series
Cultivating The Supreme Dantian
he gets transferred to a new world in the body of waste son of a god, he gets a system that gives him tasks and rewards…
Detective Conan Remastered
Kudo Shinichi is a seventeen year-old high school detective whom people call the "Modern Sherlock Holmes." However, one night after a date with his childhood sweetheart, Ran, Shinichi witnessed an illegal trade and, caught off his guard, was knocked unconscious and fed a drug that was supposed to kill him... but he woke up and found himself shrunken to a seven year-old. In order to track down the men who did this to him, Shinichi hid his identity and lived with Ran, whose father happened to be a hopeless detective, and with that came a series of murders and mysteries that he must solve.
TV Series
Ribbon no Kishi
Princess Sapphire is a girl raised as a Prince. Through the mischief of an angel, the princess is born with both a girl's body and boy's mind. Since there is no boy successor in her kingdom, Sapphire is raised as a boy, but evil ministers try to reveal her secret. Unable to put up with the kind of vicious conduct prevailing in the kingdom, Sapphire disguises herself as "Princess Knight" and wields her sword of justice.
This is an animated version of the girls' manga featuring Sapphire's romance and adventure, which marked the first made-for-TV animated program geared towards girls in Japan.
TV Series
Disciples Say I’m Invincible
Lin Xing, an ordinary person, was tricked into buying a “peerless book” on his way home. Full of excitement and curiosity, he soon discovers that this book holds the power to rewrite fate itself. Now, armed with the knowledge of the ages, Lin Xing must navigate a world of newfound abilities, ancient secrets, and unexpected challenges as he embarks on a journey to shape his own destiny.
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (Dub)
In an imperial court in ancient China, it has been a few months since a 17-year-old girl known as Maomao was kidnapped and forced to work as a low-level servant at the emperor's palace. Still, she manages to retain her curious and pragmatic spirit, planning to work until her years of servitude are over. One day, however, she catches wind of the fact that the emperor's two infants have fallen gravely ill. She decides to secretly take action, drawing on her experience as a pharmacist raised in the poor red-light district.
Despite Maomao's attempts to remain anonymous, she soon catches the eye of Jinshi, an influential eunuch who recognizes her talents. Maomao soon finds herself in the emperor's inner court, where she gradually makes a name for herself by utilizing her knowledge and eccentric personality to solve various medical mysteries.
Fall 2023